The Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Fr. Fabio Baggio C.S visited the Philippines from February 11 to 17.
Among the activities he carried out during the trip, he highlighted his participation in a training course organized by the Commission for Migrants and Itinerants of the Episcopal Conference of the Philippines.
In addition, Fr. Fabio gave a presentation on "the role of priests in the care of migrants" at the University of Santo Tomás de Manila within the framework of an International Conference on Priesthood Theology.
In his speech, the undersecretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development reflected on the migratory phenomenon by providing the main figures worldwide - but paid special attention to Philippine migration -; he described some of "the main challenges that migration poses to the Catholic Church at the pastoral, ecclesial and missionary level" also suggesting some possible answers and focused on what is "the role of the priests involved in migratory pastoral care according to the latest magisterial documents."
It is important to promote social justice, dignity and human rights of migrants, highlighting the transformative power of intercultural dialogue and solidarity. The Catholic Church is called to serve them through a specific pastoral aimed at promoting their integral human development, as well as strengthening the faith of Catholics," said Fr. Baggio