Migrants and Refugees

"God, Almighty Father,
we are your pilgrim Church
journeying towards the Kingdom of heaven (...)

Open our eyes and our hearts
so that every encounter with those in need
becomes an encounter with Jesus, your Son and our Lord.

Pope Francis, Message for the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees

In its activity of promoting justice and peace, the Dicastery:

Endeavours to ensure that through the particular Churches, effective and appropriate material and spiritual assistance is given – if necessary also through appropriate pastoral structures – to migrants, refugees, displaced persons and others involved in human movement in need of specific pastoral care. (PE, art. 165)

28 June 2023

Taiwan Catholic Forum Calls for Caring and Assistance to Migrant Fishers

27 June 2023

Several countries in Africa celebrated World Refugee Day 2023

19 June 2023

Virtual meeting between Bishops and pastoral agents of Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Venezuela

26 May 2023

Catholic Bishops meet on Colombia-Ecuador border

11 May 2023

World Day of Migrants and Refugees Message 2023 published

09 May 2023

Caritas Internationalis General Assembly 2023

19 April 2023

The bishops of Angola and São Tomé in support of migrants