
"Surely there is a need to “re-animate” the economy! (...) We need to correct models of growth incapable of guaranteeing respect for the environment, openness to life, concern for the family, social equality, the dignity of workers and the rights of future generations (...) to set in place a new economic model, the fruit of a culture of communion based on fraternity and equality". 

Pope Francis, “Economy of Francesco”, Assisi, 2020

The Dicastery, in cooperation with Episcopal Conferences, their regional and continental groupings and the hierarchical structures of the Eastern Churches, promotes the fight against poverty, and works with national and international institutions for the pursuit of integral human development. It promotes and defends equitable economic models and sober lifestyles, especially by promoting initiatives against the economic and social exploitation of poor countries, asymmetrical commercial relations, financial speculation and development models that create exclusion. (PE, art. 167-168).

25 September 2018

Note of the Holy See regarding the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

03 August 2018

Cardinal Turkson to the young unemployed: do not be discouraged. Interview to Civiltà Cattolica

31 July 2018

A New International Financial Pact. November 18, 2008

31 July 2018

International Arms Trade. An ethical reflection

31 July 2018

The Challenge of a Fair Globalization. La sfida per una globalizzazione più giusta

24 July 2018

Justice and Globalization: from Mater et Magistra to Caritas in veritate.

20 July 2018

Vocation of the Business Leader. A reflection