Creation of the Foundation "The Economy of Francis”

Visit to the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

Creation of the Foundation "The Economy of Francis”

On 23 September 2024, the Economy of Francis Foundation was officially established under the direction and inspiration of Pope Francis. The Foundation, which will operate in three main areas of intervention: research-study, business-innovation, education-culture, will be accompanied by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (DPIHD) at the behest of the Holy Father.

After receiving the Pope's mandate, a delegation from the Foundation composed of young economists and entrepreneurs from various parts of the world visited the DSSUI. They were received by the Prefect, Card. Michael Czerny, and the Secretary, Sister Alessandra Smerilli. The group was accompanied by Dr Luigino Bruni who, together with the Bishop of Assisi, Mgr Domenico Sorrentino, and Dr Francesca Di Maolo, is a member of Francis' Committee on the Economy.

Cardinal Czerny addressed the young people thanking them for "who you are, what you are and what you promise". He encouraged them to continue to share the great successes of recent years "because the Church and the world are in great need of good news about the future, the economy and human development" and asked them not to lose their creativity, typical of young people, now that they are part of a structure such as the Foundation. Smerilli also urged those present to continue their mission in synergy with the Dicastery because, she said, "we need to collaborate with people like you who come from different countries to help us listen and get closer to the realities of the local communities".

As head of the Foundation, Luigino Bruni thanked the Superiors and the entire Dicastery for the road travelled together, congratulated those present for their dedication over the years and urged them to persevere in "thinking locally but acting globally because this is the soul of the Economy of Francis". He also compared the incipient organisation to a bicycle: "we have to keep pedalling and now this Foundation allows us to go faster". Afterwards, the young people were divided into groups to participate in workshops organised by the Dicastery with some officials who spoke to them about the work carried out by the Dicastery, sharing also good practices and significant experiences of the local churches.

Before arriving at the Dicastery, the delegation was received in audience by Pope Francis, who defended the importance of involving young people to give "a new impetus to the development of the economy". 

Two years after the Pact of Assisi, signed between the Holy Father and the young people of the Economy of Francis, the Pope rejoiced at the birth of the Foundation and explained that the new structure "will serve to sustain the ideals" and the young people will not be "only beneficiaries, but protagonists"; it will also be the reality with which "to give life and concreteness to the dream of changing the present economy and giving a soul to the economy of tomorrow". Pope Francis also gave three guidelines for the future: "be witnesses, do not be afraid, wait without tiring".

27 September 2024