Church leaders in Mexico united their voices to remember and pray for the increase in violence in Mexico that is causing numerous murders and disappearances.
In a video released by the Episcopal Conference of Mexico (CEM), it is recalled that on June 20, 2022, two Jesuit priests - Fr. Javier Campos Morales, SJ and Fr. Joaquín César Mora Salazar, SJ - were murdered in their parish church, together with the layman Pedro Palma.
On that occasion, Pope Francis publicly expressed in 2022 his "sorrow and dismay at the murder in Mexico of two Jesuit religious, my brothers, and a layman".
At the conclusion of the General Audience on Wednesday, 22 June, the Holy Father said: “How many killings there are in Mexico! With affection and prayer, I am close to the Catholic community affected by this tragedy. Once again, I repeat that violence does not solve problems, but increases unnecessary suffering.”
For his part, the Secretary General of the CEM, Mgr. Ramón Castro Castro, warned that "These violent deaths shake us deeply and call for multiple actions to demand justice, for them and for so many people who have been and are victims of violence in Mexico, calls us to increase our commitment to build peace."
In addition, the representative of the Episcopate of Mexico indicated that the first anniversary of this unfortunate event is added "to so many violent deaths, disappearances, and years of injustice and impunity in Mexico", so that they call for two prayer initiatives.
The provincial of the Society of Jesus in Mexico, Fr. Luis Gerardo Moro S.J., encouraged that "a special Mass be celebrated in each parish and diocese of Mexico, commemorating all victims of violence in Mexico and asking for all missing persons. We invite your friends and family to carry the photographs of your loved ones to this celebration."
In Mexico City, this Mass will be celebrated in the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe at noon (local time).
The president of the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious of Mexico (CIRM), Sr. Juana Ángeles Zárate Celedón, also invited on June 20 at 3:00 p.m. to "ring the bells of all the temples and chapels for a minute in memory of all the victims of violence in Mexico, also as a cry for justice and an endorsement of our commitment to build peace."
"During that minute we invited each person to remember and pray for the victims of violence and for peace," she added.
Finally, different people remember the words of Jesus of the Beatitudes of Chapter 5 of Saint Matthew and a girl concludes: “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”