The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and the Swedish Embassy to the Holy See are promoting a Round Table on the theme "Hope for the Earth. Hope for Humanity. Faith and Science: a necessary dialogue to care for our living planet" to be held on May 23, at the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome's Villa Borghese. The event is part of Laudato si' Week, which celebrates the 8th Anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis' Encyclical this year and aims to highlight the need for a fruitful dialogue between theology and science, between the human needs and nature’s ones, between spiritual wounds and those caused to the environment. A dialogue understood as a crucial generative experience, an experience of hope and collaboration.
To participate in the Round Table will be, among others, H.E. Cardinal Michael Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development; Ulf R. Hansson, Director of the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome; H.E. Andrés Jato, Ambassador of Sweden to the Holy See; Måns Nilsson, SEI Executive Director; Tomás Insua, President of the Laudato Si' Movement.
In the context of the initiative, the Booklet project "Our Common Home. A guide to caring for our living planet," promoted by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development together with the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). An illustrated booklet that connects climate change, biodiversity and sustainable use of resources with the messages of Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato si'.
Please confirm your attendance by May 19 at this address: communication@humandevelopment.va