"Amazonia: new paths for the Church and for an integral ecology" (October 6-27, 2019).
From October 6 to 27, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development took part in the Special Synod for the Pan-Amazon Region, with the Prefect, Card. Peter K. A. Turkson, with H. Em. Card. Michael Czerny, Undersecretary for the Migrants and Refugees Section and Special Secretary of the Synod, and with Rev. Fr. Augusto Zampini, Official, appointed among the experts in the Synod.
At the end of the event, we are pleased to publish all official documents and useful links, in order to help the spread of the results of the Synod of Bishops, among communities, dioceses, organisations, ecclesial movements and associations.
MORE on: www.sinodoamazonico.va
The picture is from www.sinodoamazonico.va
Final Document for the Synod of the Amazon
Preparatory Document for the Synod for the Amazon
Pan-Amazon Synod. The Working Document for the Synod of Bishops