“The Economy of Francesco” is an international event wanted by Pope Francis and dedicated in particular to young people working in the field of economics: those who study economic disciplines, as well as young entrepreneurs, researchers and economists from all over the world.
The goal of the meeting – which will take place from 26 to 28 March 2020 in the city of Saint Francis of Assisi, a symbol of peace and brotherly charity towards the poor – was stated by the Pope himself in his letter to the young people: “I am writing to invite you to an initiative that I have greatly desired: an event that allows me to meet those who are now training and starting to study and practice a different economy, which gives life and does not kill, which includes and does not exclude, which humanizes and does not dehumanize, which takes care of creation and does not plunder it. An event that helps us stay together and get to know each other, and leads us to make an “’agreement’ to change the current economy and give a soul to tomorrow’s economy”.
The event was presented today at the Press Office of the Holy See, and saw the participation of Card. Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development; H.E. Mons. Domenico Sorrentino, Archbishop of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino; Prof. Luigino Bruni, Professor of Political Economics at the Rome L.U.M.S.A. University and professor at the Istituto Universitario Sophia, Councillor of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life; Prof. Ing. Stefania Proietti, Mayor of Assisi; P. Mauro Gambetti, O.F.M. Conv., Guardian of the Sacro Convento di Assisi.
In his speech, Cardinal Turkson, Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery that patronises the event, pointed out that Francis’ economy is an economy that serves man and is fraternal, integral and inclusive, an economy that respects the dignity of the human person, aims at the common good, protects the environment and generates new life, resources and abundance for everyone. This is – he reiterated – the calling of economy.
All the information about the contents of the initiative and the participation modalities can be found on the website.