On the afternoon of Saturday 13 June, Card. Peter K.A. Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, visited the Educational and Cultural Development Centre Ex Fienile of Tor Bella Monaca, where he met the volunteers of the Association 21 July, chaired by Carlo Stasolla.
The Association produces 250-300 food packages for children aged 0 to 3 who live in the Roma and Sinti camps of the capital every week, in order to combat malnutrition, especially in this time of emergency due to the pandemic. On this occasion, His Eminence distributed - with the contribution of the Vatican Pharmacy, partner of the Vatican Commission for Covid-19 set up at the Dicastery - 3000 vinyl gloves, 6000 surgical masks, 200 washable cloth masks, 500 paracetamol packs.
Later, again during the afternoon, Card. Turkson visited the Roma camp of Castel Romano, where family parcels were delivered in some settlements that make up the slum.
His Eminence, on behalf of the Holy Father, brought to all the people present, the volunteers involved in assisting the communities, families and children of the settlements, the sign of his paternal embrace and the expression of the feeling of spiritual closeness in this difficult and trial moment. "As Pope Francis often repeats, no one should be left behind - said Cardinal Turkson. We are here today to witness the support for all those who experience situations of suffering and vulnerability, and who are often forgotten, especially in this time of health, social and economic emergency. Let us remember that the integral development of man is connected to the care of Creation: by failing in one we will also fail in the other ".
During the time of the visit to the "Polo ex Fienile" and to the settlements, His Eminence was accompanied by: His Exc. Mgr. Gianpiero Palmieri, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome for the East Sector and Delegate for Charity, the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Roma; Don Giovanni De Robertis, General Director of the Migrantes Foundation; Msgr. Pierpaolo Felicolo, Director of the Migrantes Rome Foundation; Dr. Maria Rosaria Giampaolo of the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital, who has long visited the hospital camper of the "Don't forget me" project and regularly monitors the state of health needs of the communities present in the slums.
The visit to the Polo and to the camp of Castel Romano was organized by Carlo Stasolla, President of the Association July 21, who has long been involved in assisting and accompanying the Roma and Sinti populations, to whom the Cardinal has given his cordial thanks.