On Saturday, July 17, a special Eucharistic celebration took place at the crypt and tomb of St. Peter the Apostle, organized by the NGO MotoForPeace and presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Peter K. A. Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development. The occasion was to celebrate the 20 years of the bikers' organization and to greet them with a special blessing before starting their motorcycle pilgrimage from Rome to Santiago de Compostela coinciding with the Jacobean Holy Year 2021-2022. About 20 bikers participated in this celebration, among them three women and an organizing team of the XACOBEO-2021-2022 that came especially for the occasion.
In his homily, the Cardinal stressed that "it always requires some special motivation to leave our comfort zone, comfort, safety, security, security and home to embark on the road".
The Cardinal recalled, making a comparison with the Israelites on their departure from Egypt, that they also made "a journey, in the name of God, based on providence and with his protection to a destination that he himself prepared in times past. The same happens today with Santiago de Compostela". And he also added that "the experience always opens up when undertaking the journey and facing and accepting incetetza, weakness, vulnerability. These are experiences that invite us to know how to believe in divine Providence. God who accompanies us, who guides us, who leads us to our destiny. And it is to this divine Providence that we want to entrust your journey on this occasion, as on other occasions, but especially on this one, since the destination is a sacred place, a place of pilgrimage: Santiago de Compostela."
This pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela organized by MotoForPeace to pay homage to the Apostle St. James on the occasion of the XACOBEO year 2021, starting from Rome and riding along the FRANCISCAN ROUTE, will end in Piazza del Obradoiro, in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, on July 25, the day of the Apostle St. James. But this trip is also the preparatory phase of the mission "Anonymous in Faith No. 3" that will take place in Eurasia in 2022.
The figure of the missionary is often the only source of hope for people in need living in developing countries. Their daily work, carried out with faith, responsibility and selflessness, too often goes unnoticed. With this MotoForPeace project, it aims to support the commitment of Catholics in Eurasia by visiting the communities in which they work, to give a face to all the religious who animate them and give them life: a mission in line with the spirit of MotoForPeace which, in addition to instilling solidarity and friendship, aims to contribute to the well-being of the weakest by giving them a tangible contribution.
MotoForPeace, in addition to instilling Solidarity and Friendship, aims to contribute to the welfare of the weaker majority by making a tangible contribution: "Our commitment is to the most disadvantaged people in the communities we visit, often children. In particular, we try to contribute to the development of projects aimed at making school life more effective and ensuring more efficient medical and health services."
So MotoForPeace since 2018 (Anonymous in Faith h#1-AFRICA) and after a special edition of Anonymous in Faith#2 in Latin America where in 2020 they were stopped by the arrival of COVID-19, supports the commitment of Catholics around the world, documenting and supporting the communities in which they work.
The Dicastery fo Promoting Human and Integral Development of the Holy See supported the 2018 and 2020 editions, and the projects were sponsored by the State Police and major institutions.