In his prayer intention for the month of December 2023, Pope Francis asks us to pray for people with disabilities to be the focus of attention, encouraging us to change our mindset to be open to the talents of people with different abilities.
The Pope's video this month was produced in collaboration with the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, because health is one of the areas followed by this Vatican Dicastery.
In the video, the Holy Father recalls that among the most fragile people "are people with disabilities" and regrets that "some of them suffer rejection, based on ignorance or prejudice, which makes them marginalized".
"Civil institutions must support their projects with access to education, employment, and spaces where creativity is expressed," the Pope urges.
In addition, Pope Francis asks "that we change our mindset a bit to be open to the contributions and talents of these people with different abilities, both in society and in ecclesial life" since "creating a fully accessible parish is not only removing physical barriers, but also assuming that we need to stop talking about 'them' and start talking about 'us'".
"Let us pray that people with disabilities be at the center of society's attention, and that institutions will promote inclusion programs that enhance their active participation," the Pope asks.