In its activity of promoting justice and peace, the Dicastery undertakes to defend and promote the dignity and fundamental rights of human persons as well as their social, economic and political rights. It cooperates with diocesan/eparchial Bishops, Episcopal Conferences and the hierarchical structures of the Eastern Churches in order to increase awareness of the need for peace, and for the commitment to justice and solidarity towards the weakest and most fragile in society. (PE, art.165-169).
“Peace cannot «be reduced solely to maintaining a balance of power between enemies; nor is it brought about by dictatorship» (Gaudium et Spes, 78). Peace must be built on justice, socio-economic development, freedom, respect for fundamental human rights, the participation of all in public affairs and the building of trust between peoples”.
Pope Francis, Message to the Conference On The Humanitarian Impact Of Nuclear Weapons, 2014