On the theme "Trafficking and exploitation of persons in the tourism sector" a round table was held yesterday, promoted and coordinated by the Argentine Church, in the context of the 3rd World Forum on Human Rights 2023, being held in Buenos Aires until 24 March. The event is being held at the former ESMA, a highly symbolic place as it was one of the largest torture and extermination centres in the country, and brings together organisations and individuals committed to the defence and recognition of human rights.
Among the topics addressed were the right to peace and non-violence, human trafficking, migration and human mobility, presented in conferences, panels and workshops.
Susana Cafaro from the Argentinean Ministry of Tourism and Sport took part in the round table organised by the 'No to Trafficking' team of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Argentine Episcopal Conference. This included Marcela Bayala from the AFEET (Asociación Ejecutivas Empresas Turísticas), Ana Clode, Marcela Kozakg, Alejandra Stella and Marcelo Uhrich from the UPSA (Unión del Personal Superior y Profesional de Empresas Aerocomerciales), and Marcela Villares from the 'No to Trafficking' Team. It was an important opportunity to exchange experiences, create networks and open spaces for active participation to increase effective actions to collaborate in the eradication of the abhorrent crime of trafficking, which is spreading worldwide and reduces millions of people to slavery. It was reiterated at the round table that the crime of trafficking, like all crimes that violate human dignity and restrict human rights, requires the condemnation and active participation of society, and that the wide range of issues to be addressed will provide opportunities for different types of specific human rights commitments.
To follow the work of the Forum, you can register at www.fmdh.org.