It's been six months since Pope Francis wrote his letter addressed to the popular movements of the world in a moment of "such angst and hardships'' as a consequence of the impact due to COVID 19. There, he spoke in favor of the more vulnerable and humble workers, those "excluded from the benefits of globalisation" but not from their damages: " the evil that strikes everyone, you receive twice the amount of problem". Therefore, he encouraged them to keep fighting for land, roof and work. The Pope said that it was the time for a universal salary for those unabled to work and resist the hit of this sanitarian, social, enviromental and economical crisis; to therefore dignify "the noble and irrepleaceable chores they carry; able to guarantee and come true this Christian and human instruction: no worker without rights". Then, he ended the letter inviting us all to think un "the human developement integral proyect we desire" for after this crisis.
In this context, the popular movements and the Dicastery in the Service of the Integral Human Developement have called to a meeting on the 24th of October, Saturday, from 2 pm yo 6 pm (local time in Rome), via videoconference and streaming live through social networks, un order to address three reflections. Firstly, about the post pandemial times in key with the following: land, roof and work. Secondly, to focus in the Fratelli tutti (all brothers) by Pope Francis from a popular movement's perspective. Finally , a third conversation concerning the contribution from the popular movements to the november event "Francis economy". In the conference there will be room to share the actions that the popular movements are carrying on during these times, and besides, there will be a presentation of the Emancipatory Integral Education Project from the Universidad Latinoamericana de las Periferias (ULPe).
With a representation from the popular movements including the Unión de Trabajadores de la Economía Popular (Argentina), La Vía Campesina (Brasil), Slum Dwellers (India) and the Movimiento Mundial de Trabajadores Cristianos (MMTC), there is also the participation of cardenal Michael Czerny and the intervention of cardenal Peter Turkson, subsecretarian and prefect of the Dicastery.
At the end of the meet, there will be an announcement. The whole programme is available in www.movpop.org