The COVID-19 pandemic is the crisis that marks our time, a crisis from which - as Pope Francis has repeatedly said - we can either emerge better or worse. It has exposed the inequalities and injustices that threaten the well-being, security and lives of all, and exacerbated a series of interconnected crises - economic, ecological, political and social - that disproportionately affect the poorest and most vulnerable.
To respond to the wounds of humanity, the Holy Father established in March 2020 a Vatican Commission for COVID-19, which in its work also draws on the contribution of international partners, experts from European and international academia, the business world and civil society.
Inspired by the teachings of the encyclicals Laudato si' and Fratelli Tutti, and the Social Doctrine of the Church, the Commission responds to the Pope's call to "prepare the future" through science, theological reflection and deep collaboration, giving priority to the least of these.
The Commission is now publishing the report of its activities in 2020, one year after its birth. The document can be downloaded here.