Cardinal Michael Czerny's mission to Belgium

Trip from 27 to 29 September during the visit of Pope Francis

Cardinal Michael Czerny's mission to Belgium

The Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Cardinal Michael Czerny SJ, will travel to Belgium from 27-29 September.

 This mission takes place at the invitation of the Belgian Bishops‘ Conference, and coincides with Pope Francis’ Apostolic Journey to Luxembourg and Belgium, from the 26th to the 29th of the month.

 On his arrival in Brussels, the Prefect will meet Catholic social organizations at the headquarters of Caritas Internationalis, to whom he will speak about the relationship between synodality and the Church's social commitment. In the evening, a meeting and exchange with the country's bishops and cardinals is planned. 

On 28 September, Cardinal Czerny will take part in the ‘Hope Happening’, the programme dedicated to young people as part of the official celebrations for the Holy Father's visit to Belgium. A rich programme consisting of workshops and moments of prayer and dialogue. 

With the young people, in the morning, the Prefect will share a walk of several kilometers, the ‘Walk of Hope’, through the streets of Brussels, during which he will talk about poverty and migration. He will then preside over the Holy Mass dedicated to them and, in the afternoon, will give a talk focusing on the themes of social justice, global solidarity, human rights and the Church's commitment to contemporary challenges. This will be followed by a moment of discussion, open to questions from young people.  

In the late afternoon, Cardinal Czerny will join Pope Francis in a visit to the local community of Jesuit religious at the ‘Saint Michel’ College.  

26 September 2024