On November 21, the Church celebrates World Fisheries Day 2024, whose theme is “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures” a motto inspired by the passage in the book of Genesis (Gen 1:20).
For this reason, the prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Cardinal Michael Czerny, issued a message in which he explained that “the work of fishermen, which is one of the most ancient forms of human work, has greatly changed in many parts of our planet.”
“The harm done to our common home by an aggressive and divisive economic model can be said to have directly affected the life and future of millions of human beings who make their living from fishing,” he added.
Moreover, the DSSUI prefect recalled that “Church shares in the joys and hopes but also the sorrows and grief” in this sense, he added that at this historical moment, Christians are called “to rediscover fraternity as a social and political reality and the culture of encounter as an alternative to the globalization of indifference.”
“A technological development can exist and be pursued that is capable of upholding the dignity and security of labour, and restoring a balance between individuals, work and the environment. Lawmakers, too, can stand back from the great interests of a few and intervene on behalf of small communities, family businesses and organizations of fishers who, given suitable assurances, are in a position to contribute more directly and effectively to the common good,” he warned.
Then, the Cardinal pointed out that fishermen, “cooperate in the building of a world more faithful to God’s dreams” because “theirs is a vocation to care for the sea, which must be protected within the purview of an integral, widespread and people-oriented ecology.”
“This is also our prayer, as we entrust to the intercession of Mary, Star of the Sea, the concerns and aspirations of fishers and all those who benefit from their work,” Cardinal Czerny concluded.