On Saturday, November 16, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Cardinal Michael Czerny, SJ, traveled to Valencia in order to visit the areas affected by the disastrous flooding and express the Holy Father's prayer and solidarity.
The visit offered two days of closeness to the Valencian people, who entrusted the Cardinal with their suffering and tears, while also demonstrating the desire to be reborn and to look forward with hope.
On the first day, the Prefect, accompanied by the Archbishop of Valencia, Enrique Benavent, visited the Parishes of Our Lady of Succour of Benetússer, Santa Fe of Alfafar-Parque Alcosa, Our Lady of the Pilar and Mary Mother of Catarroja, Our Lady of Montserrat de Picanya, as well as Paiporta. The following day, accompanied by Archbishop Benavent, Cardinal Czerny went to the Parish of Our Lady of Grace de La Torre and to Lloc Nou de la Corona.
The Cardinal was struck by the active response of the local Church and of the many volunteers present on the ground: “In the midst of so much destruction, I found a Church that is alive, close to those who suffer and those who provide aid. I saw women religious in rubber boots walking through the mud with dirty clothes, young priests accompanying the volunteers who rushed to help, including on a spiritual level. I encountered a Church that is lively and tireless.”
Witnessing such deep faith, the Cardinal observed that “the Virgen de los Desamparados (Our Lady of the Forsaken) was constantly present throughout the visit. Her image was everywhere, in the streets, and especially in the hearts of the people.”
The hardest times may well be the months and years to come, rebuilding what the flooding has destroyed and healing the deep wounds it has created. Yet the Church will remain present and active throughout, with its hands in the mud, ever ready to help and accompany.