Ecclesial Networks on Integral Ecology in Latin America and the Caribbean organized a discussion on the challenges of Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum.
Members of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM), the Mesoamerican Ecological Ecclesial Network (REMAM) and the Ecclesial Network of the Gran Chaco and Guarani Aquifer (REGCHAG) participated in the initiative.
The online event, which took place on October 30, began with an introduction of the Laudate Deum by Sr. Lidia Chavez, a missionary of Mother Laura (Colombia), member of the CELAM Commission on Indigenous Peoples.
Among the participants were the vice-president of REPAM and indigenous woman of the Harakbut people Yesica Patiachi Tayori (Peru) and Diego Gomes Aguiar (Brazil); from REMAM Susana López (Guatemala) and brother René Arturo Flores (Panamá); from REGCHAG the coordinator of the network, Bishop Ángel Macín (Argentina) and the executive secretary, Miguel Cruz (Mexico).
Romina Gallegos from CELAM said that the participants, from their territorial reality, responded to the question: What is this road and how can we make our way together?
In addition, the initiative reflected on how to strengthen the networks that already exist in favor of the Common Home and highlighted that the Laudate Deum shows God's gaze on creatures not as objects, but as brothers and sisters, as St. Francis of Assisi also invited.
In this line, the Apostolic Exhortation launches a call to act now, not only to become aware, and to have a communitarian action. For this reason, dialogue among territorial networks is a good tool for listening to and understanding the realities of the communities directly affected by environmental problems.