New book by Pope Francis: "The World Meetings of the Popular Movements and our social thought" available and free of charge

The eBook, a compilation of the words the Holy Father has addressed to the Popular Movements over the last ten years, is available for consultation and download on this website.

New book by Pope Francis: "The World Meetings of the Popular Movements and our social thought" available and free of charge

The E-book "The World Meetings of the Popular Movements and our social thought" celebrates 10 years since the First Meeting of the Popular Movements at the Vatican, retracing the stages of their journey from October 2014 to the present day.

The central part is dedicated to the meetings, where the speeches and messages with which the Holy Father wanted to bless and inspire the work of these working and dialogue groups are recounted. It is followed by a rich collection of the most significant documents of Pope Francis' social thought and a chapter that tells us how other Pontiffs have spoken about land, home and work.

The foreword, handwritten by the Holy Father and the introduction signed by Card. Michael Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and Juan Grabois. Here we read "[Popular Movements] have shown us, in these ten years, that the future of humanity is not only in the hands of great leaders, great powers and elites, but is, above all, in the hands of the peoples".

As explained in the introduction, "the invitation to the Movements was born at the request of Pope Francis himself", driven by the desire to give a voice to the last ones, to the people who live on the existential peripheries, on issues that concern them and touch them personally: land, home and work.

From the first meeting in October 2014 until today, many steps have been taken and this book, in whose words each stage is captured, is a precious resource on the Christian journey of Fraternity. It helps us to remember the missionary nature of the Church and its People, which concreteness is concretised in the culture of encounter, especially with the poor and the most needy.

20 September 2024