To guide the practice of those who deal with the "atrocious scourge" of human trafficking in the world, through pastoral and operational orientations, inspired by the thought and teachings of Pope Francis. And then to raise awareness about the causes of the exploitation of human beings, which recall the responsibility of each person - especially referred to child labour, prostitution, cyber-sex - and raise questions about a market that feeds on a diverse demand. With these objectives in mind, on the 17th January, the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development presented the "Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking" together with the volume "Lights on the Ways of Hope - Teachings of Pope Francis on migrants, refugees and trafficking".
Both documents want to respond to a request from local Churches, dioceses and parishes in Italy and around the world, but also from Caritas and many aid and volunteer organizations.
After an in-depth analysis of the causes, recognition and dynamics of trafficking, the Orientations make an explicit reference to the role of national and international political institutions, which are asked to commit themselves to the prevention and protection of victims, againts the pursuit of traffickers, and to cooperation to increase the effectiveness of programs and policies. A collaboration that begins from the awareness of the globality of the phenomenon and from the sharing of universal values and principles, and that aims at the promotion of integral human development of every man.