In Peru a meeting on the Pastoral Care of Human Mobility at the borders

The Ninth Meeting of Bishops and Pastoral Agents on Accompanying and Monitoring the Borders among Chile, Peru and Bolivia will be held in Tacna, Peru, on June 18-21, 2024.

In Peru a meeting on the Pastoral Care of Human Mobility at the borders

The Project of the Triple Frontier Meetings started in 2002 thanks to the involvement of INCAMI pastoral agents – Pastoral Agents of Human Mobility of Peru and Bolivia - to continue the ongoing monitoring of migratory movements in Latin America carried out by the Scalabrinian Fathers in coordination with the Frontier Bishops.

The purpose of the Tacna meeting is to set new objectives, in light of the current phenomenon of migration flows present at the border and in consideration of the decisions taken in previous meetings. A final Declaration of the assembly will, then, be issued.

Each ecclesiastical jurisdiction involved in the project may bring to the meeting, in addition to their bishop, lay members responsible for the Pastoral Care of Human Mobility and for shelters. 

This will provide each participant an opportunity to outline the work done so far and to talk about challenges and difficulties encountered in the past two years. Then, group work will follow in order to identify best practices, challenges and proposals for the Pastoral Care of Migrants.  At the end, a press conference will be held to present the final Declaration of the Meeting.

During their stay in Peru, participants will have the opportunity to visit the "Santa Rosa" Migrant House, active since 2015 in Tacna and staffed by the Scalabrinian Fathers. A play produced by UNHCR and entitled  “Pabellón y su gran nariz” (Pabellón and His Big Nose), which tells a story of migration and inclusion through a dog’s eyes, will also be shown to them. 

Thanks to the presence of pastoral agents and the work of the Triple Frontier Meetings, which are held every two years, "Casas de Atención" (Care Centers) for migrants have been established. Subsequently, cooperation agreements were sealed with international organizations and other Church institutions involved in migration, human trafficking, and in setting up a Diocesan Human Mobility Pastoral Care Team.   

18 June 2024