I risultati della ricerca per la divulgazione
Documenti, Report, Materiale Audiovisivo
La Commissione vaticana COVID-19 pubblica documenti, report e materiale audiovisivo che raccolgono e sintetizzano i risultati della ricerca e della riflessione scientifica sui temi della sicurezza, dell'economia, dell'ecologia e della salute.
La condivisione e la diffusione di tali risorse ha lo scopo di offrire, a tutti coloro che stanno lavorando su come affrontare la pandemia e su come impostare il futuro, strumenti utili per essere costantemente informati sull'andamento delle riflessioni e della ricerca.
Documenti della Commissione Vaticana per il COVID-19

In questa sezione si possono trovare documenti e risorse utili prodotte dalla Commissione Vaticana per il COVID-19 per le Chiese locali e tutti i partner e gli organismi che siano interessati. E' possibile scaricare e utilizzare liberamente il materiale, con l'accortezza di inserire le dovute citazioni.
Rapporti Annuali:
- IT 2020 Rapporto Annuale
- ES 2020 Informe Anual
- EN 2020 Year in Review
Vaccine Toolkit
Report Completi

Qui sotto trovate alcuni dei documenti presentati alla Commissione che riflettono i temi su cui abbiamo lavorato. I documenti pubblicati in questa sezione riflettono le discussioni all'interno della Commissione COVID-19 del Vaticano. La Commissione li mette a disposizione, ma non approva necessariamente i loro contenuti o posizioni.
- Paper 3 Cities at the front line of recovery and impact
- Paper 4 Food Loss and Waste in the context of the COVID-19 crisis
- Paper 5 Plant the seeds of a sustainable and secure food future
- Paper 6 Use government economic stimulus packages to build back better
- Paper 7 Water, Human Health, and the COVID-19 Crisis
- Paper 8 Regenerative Business
- Paper 9 Regenerative Finance
- Paper 10 Regenerative Work
Vaccine Library Project
I seguenti link, che compongono la sezione 'Vaccine Library Project', forniscono una panoramica di risorse, materiali e informazioni, sul tema dei vaccini COVID-19.
Questi link indicano che state lasciando il sito della Commissione COVID-19 del Vaticano. I link forniti sono solo a scopo informativo. La Commissione COVID-19 del Vaticano non può attestare l'accuratezza di questi siti. Il collegamento a questi siti non costituisce un'approvazione delle informazioni e dei prodotti presentati su questi siti.
Questo materiale è diviso in 3 paragrafi:
Paragrafo 1) riporta alcune delle citazioni più stimolanti di Papa Francesco sull'attuale situazione pandemica e sull'urgente bisogno di vaccini
Paragrafo 2) elenca i materiali (come documenti, schede, video, audio) che spiegano il funzionamento della malattia COVID-19 e dei vaccini
Paragrafo 3) elenca interviste e deposizioni di voci fidate, esperti e virologi, con informazioni, consigli ed esperienze di vaccinazione
Alla fine del terzo paragrafo, troverete il "Link to other Library", una lista di siti web di fiducia con risorse aggiuntive per estendere il contenuto selezionato.
1) Pope Francis quotes:
- Marzo 2020, "Ci siamo resi conto di trovarci sulla stessa barca, tutti fragili e disorientati, ma nello stesso tempo importanti e necessari, tutti chiamati a remare insieme, tutti bisognosi di confortarci a vicenda".
- Dicembre 2020, “Oggi, in questo tempo di oscurità e incertezze per la pandemia, appaiono diverse luci di speranza, come le scoperte dei vaccini".
- Gennaio 2021, “I believe that ethically everyone should take the vaccine. It is an ethical choice because you are gambling with your health, with your life, but you are also gambling with the lives of others". “I don’t understand why some say, ‘No, vaccines are dangerous.’ If it is presented by doctors as a thing that can go well, that has no special dangers, why not take it? There is a suicidal denial that I wouldn’t know how to explain.”
2) Q&A and Factsheet about COVID-19 and Vaccine:
- Faith and Community initiative, Different materials for sharing: COVID-19 | Faith&Community (faithandcommunityinitiative.org)
- Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH) Vaccine Factsheet: https://www.ccih.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Faith-Leaders-COVID-Vaccine-Factsheet.pdf
- Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH) Vaccine FAQ: https://www.ccih.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/COVID19-Vaccine-FAQ.pdf
- Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH) “Understanding our immune response”: https://www.ccih.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/How-Vaccines-Work-Immune-Response.pdf
- Tearfund factsheet on COVID-19 and Vaccine: COVID-19 Vaccines and vaccinations (tearfund.org) + Q&A: https://learn.tearfund.org/-/media/learn/resources/tools-and-guides/covid-19-tearfund-vaccine-resource-q-and-a-en.pdf
- Hesperian health guides, Factsheet on COVID-19: Coronavirus — COVID-19 - Hesperian Health Guides
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Improve your mask protection”: Improve How Your Mask Protects You | CDC
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Taking care of sick people with COVID-19 illness at home”: Taking Care of Sick People with COVID-19 Illness at Home | CDC
- World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), “Caring for a family member with COVID-19”: Caring-for-a-Family-Member-with-COVID-19-2.pdf (worldea.org)
- UNICEF, “COVID-19 parenting tips”: file (unicef.org)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Ways to safely seek care during COVID-19”: CDC's Coronavirus Self-Checker Can Work for You and Your Communities
- Breakthrough ACTION (project funded by USAID and addressed to underdeveloped, directed by Elizabeth Serlemitsos) “Fighting vaccine hesitancy”: Using the KAP COVID Dashboards to Convince the Vaccine Hesitant | Breakthrough ACTION and RESEARCH
Mental health:
- WHO, “Coping with stress during COVID-19 pandemic”: WHO_Mental-Health-One-Page.pdf (ccih.org)
- IMA World Health, ”Psychological support, guidance for communities”: Psychosocial-Support-COVID.pdf (ccih.org)
- Tearfund article, “Mental health and well-being – Footsteps 113”: https://learn.tearfund.org/-/media/learn/resources/footsteps/2021-tearfund-footsteps-113-en.pdf
Videos & Audios:
- GAVI, Videos “Everything you need to know about COVID-19 vaccine”: COVID-19 vaccines: everything you need to know | Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
- Washington State, Department of Health, Video “How COVID-19 spreads in communities”: How COVID-19 Spreads in Communities - YouTube
- Washington State, Department of Health, Video “Childhood vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic”: Childhood Vaccinations During the COVID-19 Pandemic - YouTube
- Washington State, Department of Health, Video “Managing COVID-19 symptoms at home”: Managing COVID-19 Symptoms at Home - YouTube
- Washington State, Department of Health, Video “How COVID-19 vaccines have been made”: Frequently Asked Questions About The COVID-19 Vaccine - YouTube
- Global Health Media Project, Video “The story of Coronavirus - How COVID-19 spreads“: https://youtu.be/ogBXkJ06nN8
- Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH), Video “How to use PPE for health workers”: https://youtu.be/D5s7O9zccA8
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ASL Video series on COVID-19: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvrp9iOILTQatwnqm61jqFrsfUB4RKh6J
- Cardinal Onaiyekan Foundation for Peace (COFP) on COVID-19 awareness: audios (1, 2, 3) and video (4) at COFP COVID 19 - OneDrive (live.com)
- Booklet for kids: “About Coronavirus”: Our Bloom Books on Bloomlibrary.org — SIL LEAD (sil-lead.org)
See other kids videos: Bloom Library: COVID-19
3) Interviews and depositions about COVID-19 and Vaccine experiences:
- Sr. Agatha (from Cardinal Onaiyekan Foundation for Peace, COFP) and other trusted Nigerian people on COVID-19: videos (5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11) at COFP COVID 19 - OneDrive (live.com)
- Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH), Video about COVID-19 and vaccine in Kenya: https://youtu.be/L9V2Owl--gQ
- Christians and the vaccine, video with interviews and conversations from trusted Christian voices: Christians and the Vaccine
- AMSANT (Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory), Video about Health messages: Health Message Indigenous Communities - YouTube
- Video about COVID-19 general info: AMSANT_ALISON ANDERSON on Vimeo
- Republic of the Philippines, Department of Health, COVID-19 explained to and by children: COVIDTalks VIdeo 2 How do we fight COVID-19.mp4 - Google Drive & COVIDTalks Video 1 What is COVID-19.mp4 - Google Drive
Guidance for faith and community leaders:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Tips for engaging communities during COVID-19”: CE-low-resource-settings-distance-April-2020.pdf (communityengagementhub.org)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), videos for faith leaders on guidance in the COVID-19 pandemic: https://youtu.be/qAFmlmkwaDM & https://youtu.be/af3km_afRY4
- WHO, guidance for religious leaders and faith-based communities in the context of COVID-19: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/practical-considerations-and-recommendations-for-religious-leaders-and-faith-based-communities-in-the-context-of-covid-19
- GAVI, "Guide on cold chain equipment optimization”: Cold-chain-equipment-technology-guide.pdf (gavi.org)
Link to other Libraries: