The Catholic Church in Romania and Bulgaria promotes integral human development

Creation of an educational pole to transmit Christian values

The Catholic Church in Romania and Bulgaria promotes integral human development

The Greek Catholic Church in Romania is engaged in the realisation of an educational pole, from kindergarten to high school, in the city of Blaj to transmit Christian values.

This initiative in the archieparchy of Alba Iulia and Făgăraş, in the north of Romania, is an opportunity for the Church to transmit Christian values to the new generations and offers the possibility of emancipation through study.

In a society, such as the Romanian one, where secularisation is advancing rapidly, the Greek-Catholic Church considers education - as emphasised by the auxiliary bishop of the archieparchy of Alba Iulia and Făgăraş, Monsignor Cristian Crişan - a valid tool for promoting the integral human development of children and young people and contributing to the building of society.

In Romania, thousands of Greek Catholic Churches were confiscated during the communist regime, most of which have still not been returned despite decades having passed since the fall of communism.

In the city of Blaj, the secondary school, built around the city's Greek Catholic cathedral, was also confiscated by the State; it was returned to the Greek Catholic Church but now needs major renovation to become an educational centre for the younger generations, as desired by the Greek Catholic Church:



During his apostolic journey to Romania in 2019, Pope Francis beatified seven Greek Catholic martyred bishops.

In Bulgaria, the Catholic Church is also in a renaissance because it is still experiencing the consequences of the communist period. During the two decades of the regime, all Church property was confiscated, and the bishops removed from the faithful and persecuted. The transmission of the faith was possible thanks to the grandmothers.

After the fall of communism in 1989, missionaries returned to preach and evangelise the country. As emphasised by the Bishop of the Diocese of Nicopolis, Mgr Strahil Veselinov Kavalenov, today there is a deep desire to rediscover Bulgaria's cultural and traditional roots.

08 August 2024